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Sunflower Seeds Roasting Machine

In the past it was thought that they can be planted on poorer soil types because hazels grow in their wild state on poor soils and produce nuts, but now fertile soils are considered essential for profitable commercial production. A neutral to slightly acid soil (pH of about 6) is suitable. Lime should be applied below pH 5.6. Many acid soils in NSW will require adjustment with lime. Table 2 gives a guide to adjustment rates. In the past, the origin of much of the planting material in Australia has been confused, and the trueness-to-type of many ‘varieties’ was not established. The majority of plantings have included seedling material, resulting in reduced quality and size of nuts. A number of named varieties have been imported since the mid-90s. Table 3 lists varieties imported into Australia through various quarantine stations, though this list is not exhaustive. Other Corylus species have also been imported. Research in Australia has provided information on a range of varieties. The varieties listed in Table 3 have potential in NSW. A high kernel/shell ratio is desirable for all commercial varieties. Varieties showing good growth in variety trials include Barcelona, Ennis, Casina, Lewis and Tonda di Giffoni. A number of local selections are also available. An Australian selection Brownfield tokolyi Cosford / Tokolyi Cosford shows good growth characteristics and is suitable for the confectionery industry. OZSTAR has the best roasters of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted peanuts! We also provide additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR also provides additional flavoring and seasoning equipment for nuts We manufacture different capacity to suit demand. This stainless steel is of high quality and can be controlled from the touch screen control panel.
A number of spacings have been used in the past to grow hazelnuts and in recent years more efficient ways of increasing yields and making better use of land area available have been adopted. The selection of tree planting distances should take into account the relative vigour of the variety, the soil type and the width of implements available for use in the orchard. Close plantings may have to be thinned at maturity but the higher return in the first 10 years may be crucial to the economic survival of a new planting. The three spacings below (Table 4) indicate the number of trees per hectare. Local information is limited on high density plantings. The 4.5 m spacing is considered more efficient as yields have the potential to double that of the 7.5 × 7.5 m spacing within the first 10 years. Trees can be thinned in the long term if excessive shading and crowding occurs. The closer planting also allows for better pollination and nut set.
Planting at 6m between rows and 3m between trees is also an option with every second tree removed down the row at year 10/11.


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